Croco bags, for the surface of this bags, it is finished by special patterns, it is like leather., but the cost much cheaper than leather. Usually it laminated with non woven Fabric. It is good idea for put your logo into the bag for promotion, shopping and so on.
CM-125Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-126Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-127Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-128Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-129Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-200Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-196Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-197Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-198Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-236This kind of bag it is made of Eco-Friendly material. On the surface it has grid parttern, It makes the bag looks very classic and beautiful. We also have a lot of other partterns. From the surface it looks like leather bag, this kind of bag it is good for promotion and sell. You can put your own shop logo on the bag and use for your own shoe or cloth shops.
CM-237Travel bag, also called zipper bag. It is suit for travelling.It looks very fashion. We can do many kinds of material as you like.
CM-238Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-239Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-240Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-241Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.
CM-242Croco non woven bag, it is like pp non woven bag, but outside film it is made of Metallic film and with the croco stamp in the surface, it looks like the leather, but of course much cheaper than leather bag.It is good choice for shopping and promotion.